THE SOUND OF MONEY - new single / video: “Dr. Dr. Themefart

Back in 2017 THE SOUND OF MONEY, a band from the munich pop underground, took the titles of their 12 favourite 60’s albums as the DNA – and gave the letters a good shake! Out came a batch of 12 new titles, for new songs. They wrote those songs, recorded them, and gathered them on the album “MORE? WHY NOT! – an anagrammatical exorcism of the 60s“
Now, 7 years later, they seem to be back. At least there’s a new single out today.

„Dr. Dr. Themefart Frustrating Himself Posed As Gay Old Nazi SS“

It reads as if their exorcism this time is directed towards the 70s. Because the single title is made from the letters of the album title “The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars” by David Bowie. An album which has been released 1975, when: David Bowie creates the figure of the “Thin White Duke”. The following year he muses, in a Playboy interview, “I think Britain could benefit from a fascist leader” and calls Adolf Hitler “one of the first rockstars”.

The Sound Of Money video was made by acclaimed animation director Andreas Hykade and AI artist Isabel Kohlhagen.


HERMAN DUNE - new single / video: “Sneakers On The Telephone Line

THE BURNING HELL - first video to upcoming album Garbage Island

BB*ISLAND - some tracks